Anthony Advincula

Writer. Editor. Storyteller. Social Justice Advocate. Creative Thought Leader.

I'm a journalist based in New York City, with over 20 years of experience reporting domestically and internationally. I cover breaking news and enterprise reporting on immigration, race relations and local politics and government. 

My stories have appeared in various news outlets in the U.S. and abroad—including New York Daily News, Yahoo! News, The Star Ledger, The Jersey Journal, The Philippine Daily Inquirer and Public Radio International, among others—and have been translated into various languages. 

Focusing mainly on a diverse network of nearly 8,000 community, ethnic and general-market media outlets, I develop and implement media strategies and campaigns on civil rights and social justice issues that reach immigrant and people of color communities for government agencies and nonprofit organizations. 

I have been a recipient of a number of journalism awards and fellowships, including the New York Times Press Fellowship, Radio Television News Foundation and RIAS German/American Exchange Fellowship for Journalists and the USC Annenberg National Health Journalism Fellowship. 

I attended Columbia University—where I was awarded a Charles H. Revson Fellowship in 2017 and received my master’s degree in public administration, concentrating in social and urban policy and journalism—and took a course on advanced narrative nonfiction from Harvard Extension School in 2005.

New York Offers Support to Urge More Immigrants to Apply for U.S. Citizenship

NEW YORK — New York officials and community advocates are drumming up support for a statewide naturalization campaign, saying that despite a recent increase in citizenship applications, there are still hundreds of thousands of immigrants across the state who are eligible to become U.S. citizens.The campaign, known as NaturalizeNY , offers vouchers to cover the application fee for applicants who qualify, aiming to maximize the number of citizenship applications, and, in turn, boost the state’s ec

Living Like Sardines: For Immigrants, Cramped Dwelling Still is an Imminent New York City Blight

Author's Note: This article won 'Best in Immigration Reporting' at the 2003 NY Independent Press Awards or "The Ippies." NEW YORK, NY — The corner where Greenwich Street meets Ninth Avenue could be a perfect movie set for a posh New York living. From the angle where the traffic light dangles against the century-old brick building in the background, and the row of cozy restaurants that are barely set back on the sidewalk, it is a quintessential picture of neighborhood without a feeling of depravity. But that’s not everything.

For Asian Americans, Mental Health an ‘Invisible Problem’

NEW YORK, NY — In a small reception area of the Henry Street Settlement’s Community Consultation Center in Manhattan’s Lower East Side, a couple of young Asian women sit far apart from each other on maroon chairs lined up against the wall. One is busy browsing on her cell phone in a corner, while the other watches absentmindedly at the water leakage from the ceiling trickling into a large bucket in front of them.
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